Bugatti Veyron Mouse: That’ll Show NBC


You may have heard about the current Late Night Wars situation going on in the land of our fair neighbours to the South, especially since globally-renowned car fanatic nutball fanboy enthusiast Jay Leno is at the centre of the fray. In any case, now that it’s been confirmed that current Tonight Show host Conan O’Brien is leaving, he’s spent the past week taking out his frustrations in fine comedic form on his show. So far, it’s culminated in a huge uptick in viewership as people tune in to see what vitriol he’ll spew (hilariously, of course) next. Last night, O’Brien introduced a brand new budget-busting character to the cast of the soon-to-no-longer-be-his show: Bugatti Veyron Mouse. Bugatti Veyron Mouse’s theme song? The Rolling Stones’ “Satisfaction”—which also commands crazy royalty money that is estimated to be somewhere in the realm of “like, WHOA.”

NBC has yanked the online versions of this clip from Hulu and in order to avoid paying additional fees associated with the song being used in internet video clips, but you can still see it on YouTube until and unless they yank it there, too.