Best Car We Can’t Get in Canada: The Morgan AeroMax


If you are going to go…go big.

morgan-aeromaxThere are so many different models that could be selected for the best car not available in Canada. Depending on your taste, it could range from the Citroen C6 all the way to the Mazda2. Then there are the variations–the European Ford Focus and BMW 335d Coupe immediately come to mind. But for me, the best car that Canadians should drool over with envy is the Morgan AeroMax.

Canadians aren’t the only ones who covet this great piece of machinery–Morgan is only making 100 of these, of which only 13 will be available in the United States. At first look, it has the style and class that most would associate with James Bond; but once you are behind the wheel, it’s more of a Tim Taylor “ahh ahh ahh” animalistic grunt you’ll be bellowing. As the price tag sits at an (Aero 8) eye-bugging 164,000-180,000 buckaroos, it better.

The BMW V-8 purrs after roaring to a start out of the shortened exhausts, and once this thing is out on the open road, it is sheer joy. Going 97 kph in a little over 4.2 seconds with a top speed of 270 kph, how can you not be absolutely enthralled with the speed this beauty holds under the hood? The interior of the model is deceivingly large compared to what you would assume from the meager outside proportions. Also, the elegance that the high-quality leather and high-class trim provide the driver with even more eye candy once inside.

Some people (haters!) have basically said that all the car represents is an Aero 8 with a roof. Really? I beg to differ. To me, the Aero 8 seems a little old fashioned (and cross-eyed), especially in the sense that it has been relatively unchanged in the last decade. The AeroMax has a much more modern look than the Aero, and I believe that anyone who has driven this car would agree that the feel and the power is anything but ordinary. (Not that the Aero 8 is ordinary, but you get my point).

One would think that with a price tag that is more central to the cost of a home that the demand wouldn’t be very high–especially in today’s economic climate. However, even before the 2009 models have hit the consumer market, a long line is already forming for a chance to purchase this pretty petunia.