Just Like The Mob, We’re Everywhere


In case you’ve only been coming to this blog every day, but you just can’t seem to satiate your jonesin’ for even more CarEnvy goodness, here are the other place you can find our even more regular updates.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/autobusiness

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=52725500708&ref=ts

And now, Tumblr: https://carenvy.tumblr.com/

Not familiar with Tumblr yet? It’s like Twitter (i.e. microblogging), but with photos, movies and even quotes. As your obsessive Editor, I, CarEnvy.ca will be updating the tumblr page with my random and nonsensical snippets of automotive consciousness. I’ll leave the more well-written and well-thought out material for you guys here at CarEnvy.ca.