CarEnvy Invades 2010 Chicago Auto Show


I use the term “invades” rather loosely; “goes to” would probably be more appropriate. No matter.

The 2010 Chicago Auto Show starts today and our very own Janaki will be at the CAS tomorrow to cover the media events and yours truly, your fearless Editor, will be there next Tuesday, January 21. Janaki will no doubt cover the meat and potatoes, I’ll just be there to highlight anything that might fall through the cracks. Together, Janaki and I will be focusing on some of the more strange and wonderful motor cars from the show, leaving the mainstream stuff to the big guys. Realistically, we would be foolish to try to out-Autoblog Autoblog, so we won’t even try.

You will be able to follow all the happenings on Twitter. Our handle is @autobusiness. Janaki will be tweeting in haiku. Since I don’t know what that is, I’ll just be spewing social media diarrhea in 140 characters or less.

If you don’t have Twitter, or don’t care to find out, just keep coming back here to for your maple-syrup-tinted view of the 2010 Chicago Auto Show.